tisdag 26 januari 2016

Skygge - Antiqua Ignis

Last year this Norwegian one-man (Skyggemester) band Skygge released a second and last (?) full length album called "Antiqua Ignis" (means something like Ancient Flame) through the label Immortal Frost Production.

If this is the last of Skyggen then he stop at the top of his game as this album is  a powerful occult journey through the spheres of  death and transcendence beyond.
With hypnotic mid to fast riffing and abyssic drumming as a violent wall and superb ghastly  guest vocals by Adramelech (Svarthaueg ) the experience you find here is great! Sure it is not so much variations between the songs it does not matter much as they melt together nicely into a big black nekro ritual.

The sound and feeling here reminds me some of Hetroertzens album "Exaltation of Wisdom" which is not a bad thing.

It is quite a long album but nothing really drags out...rather you get dragged down into the void.

The production is a mix of spacy raw layers but all parts is at the same time very hearable. Effective in other words.

Track list:
1.     Antiqua Ignis     07:17      
2.     Apokalyptiske visjoner     06:50      
3.     Draconis Serpentis     04:44      
4.     Heks     06:26      
5.     Katakombe     04:52     
6.     Necro Attitude     05:32      
7.     Nocte Initium Imperium     05:29    
8.     Svarte vinger     06:36      
9.     Skyggen     04:55      
10.     Nocte Initium Imperium (Necro version)     05:45    

Total: 58:26

label contact:

måndag 18 januari 2016

Panzergod - Deathshrouds Bestowed

From the US of A this dämonischen Truppen - Panzergod - has been pestering the living world since 2002 and have 3 demos, 1 Ep and 2 full lengths under their belts...and the one i bleed for here is the sophomore album "Deathshrouds Bestowed"... well i got corrected, it is actually their 3rd album this! Damn Metallum info haha!

Some of the background the members here (Daemoniis Ad Noctum, Death Fetishist, Suspended by Hooks & SkullSplitter) reveal quite good what to expect from Panzergod and that is some thick misanthropic black metal stew that want you to choke on its raw meat more then anything!
Besides the obvious 2nd wave BM there is quite much obscure personal touches (inspiration can of course be found from their home country but also from Scandinavia) here with some well written compositions thats both somewhat depressing but also melodic without being zappy or anything, bleak yes but also has blistering attacks of aggression that grows nicely with repeated listenings.

Song 5 is a favorite with a muddy mid tempo ugliness intertwined with some great grand guitar parts and hard drumming. Quite long but its just for the better here.
Vocals through out is more or less in a raspy classic hateful style with some extra deep parts here & there for good measure. Besides this song i like every track & there is really no fillers only good satanic mayhem!

Production is just right with all instruments getting their spot in the black light and the negative stream is never strangled in anyway. Good flow

Good shit!

Released by Exile Music(k)
Band link:

Track list:

1.     Dominating Angels     05:07    
2.     Deathshrouds Bestowed     04:22    
3.     Scars of the Ultimate Downfal     03:44    
4.     Ejaculation Upon the Holy Light     06:11    
5.     Broken Pile of Flesh     07:12    
6.     Conjuring the Angles of Oblivion     05:52    
7.     Doctrine of the Fullmoon Hordes     05:44    
8.     Rites of Walpurgisnacht     08:18

Angels to some, demons to others.

Aguares Interview!

1. Greetings & welcome into my dungeon! So lets start with the basics! 
Whats the story behind you guys came together and started this bleak black metal band?
 I cant say i know much of the India BM scene besides a band here and there like Tetragrammacide so how is the BM climate over there you think?
And has the name Nagaland anything to do with the " नाग, nāga"?

-we started out just like the other bands,we shared the same taste of music so we decided to form a band and become immortal in the bm community And first of all we haven't heard that band "tetragrammacide" and about the bm scene in India is still not well stabilize,only some few bm bands have marched till now.

In the northeastern part of India there were a group of people with pierced ears and bare skin. Which was why the Burmese started calling them "Nakas" meaning people with pierced ears. That was most probably the reason why Nagaland actually came to be called as "Nagaland" now. The nagas are also known as Head hunters since we cut off the heads of the enemy warriors as a sign of victory during the ancestral era. 
Nagas are a group of people who migrated from China and Mongolia, which is why there can be a lot of similarities that can be seen in terms of culture, festival and language. 

2.When did you discover black metal and what band was it?

-it was some few years back around 2007-2008 when we started listening to bm stuff and the first bands which was a great influence to us are bands like the legendary bands "Mayhem" and at the same time "Gorgoroth"Darkthrone" etc,,,,

3.How did you come in contact with Wolfmond Production and what response did "Kingdom of Falsehood" got when it was released? Is there talk about some vinyl version perhaps? Did you release some self release demo or something before this?

-we came in touch with wolfmond production through our friend 'Marino Zucca'guitarist of "Thrymheym" from Italy and the response about our album was overall good ,great feedback from our Fans.

4. I saw some shit about some Ukraine band stealing your name etc, what was that really?

-set out browsing our songs on the search engine when this project with the same band title popped up on a free-hand website namely 'last.fm' leaving us curious while we downloaded the songs and encountered the copy version of our songs being displayed 'escape the tracks''chasm' and 'cold blue' etc.
The cause could be due to the misplacements in the layout or probably a fraudster messing around.
No issues however.

5. When we are on the subject is there some known rip-offs over there one should know and avoid?

-none to my knowledge,just the ukraine band being mentioned

6. Back to the album, i really like your riffings besides everything else so razorblade sharp, cold and hard hitting..almost groovy hehe! besides inspiration from 2nd wave black metal what other metal are you influenced by that can be heard in your music?

-thanks for the feedback we never thought that we will get this much attention from outside really appreciate it and about other genres we like to stick to our own stuff but of course we to listen to other genres but we don't add there stuff in our music

7. Whats your view on Satanism?

-Satanism is worshipping thyself, bringing forth our animalistic instincts,being individualistic and keeping prior to the understanding that you are your own god. Embracing and rejoicing our carnal existence,our imperfectness and choosing to stand for yourself,to be a tenacious & knowledgeable warrior holding an ultimate purpose to stay the fittest of all.

8. Can you tell about the lyrics to the songs "Revealing the Dreams " & "Kingdom of Falsehood"?

-the interpretation to the song 'Kingdom of Falsehood' being crystal clear and straight gives off a brief view of how Christianity and it's roots drives people into an abyss of false ideologies and concepts.How they are being brainwashed into seeking for the kingdom of the eternalness in their afterlifes. The instrumental track 'Revealing the dreams' having a mutual relation with the soundtrack 'Kingdom of falsehood' is the intro revealing the false dreams,fantasies and delusions plagued into the mindsets of people for a greater kingdom which is a full-fledged chimera

9. What are Aguares plans for 2016?

-currently we are working on our upcoming album with our new vocalist and we hope will create a new vibe in the bm scene

10. Thanks for your time, last word is yours!

-we are honored talking to you and being a part of your zine (RAW WAR)
to support and keep the scene alive!

Band link:


söndag 17 januari 2016

Weltschmerz - Odium Humani Generis

From the world-weariness in Netherlands comes this first full length from Weltschmerz, They started releasing stuff in 2009 with an Ep then in 2011 the pushed out a promo and a split and they also at some point appeared in some Compilation cd... and this very album finally was hatched in 2014 released by the trustworthy Immortal Frost Productions.

I have no direct experience on their previous creations besides i new they played some kind of black metal...and that was of course a correct hunch but what hit me was that these demons has a quite broad spectrum of inspiration which reflects clearly through out "Odium Humani Generis"!

Yes their fundamental basis is 2nd wave BM but i hear much more incorporated here like some pagan some heavy metal some post/avantgarde & some minor death riffs mixed into an unholy and very personal sound. Vocals are very articulate and sometimes almost talkative but with a nice raspy touch and it fits the music well.

First spin i felt it was a bit to sedate atmosphere (it is though mostly played in mid-speed or slower) to it all and the blasts and riffs did not came out like other stuff i like but the next spin i realized that it was much  fault to the production/mixing because it muffles and dries out much of the guitar and drums, so after that i could listen with a better ear i guess haha and the actual compositions that lingered in this  mix  got a bit clearer.

By all means this is well worth investigating as it is both enough creative and aggressive & dipped into Weltschmerz own special hot sauce.

Best songs for me is: 2, 6 & 8

Track list:
1.     Ab Æterno     05:30    
2.     Ending Your Life     03:14    
3.     None of Us Will See Heaven     05:52    
4.     Mysterium Iniquitatis     04:29    
5.     Homo Homini Lupus     05:43    
6.     Geschrei in der Nacht     05:50    
7.     Asmodeus     03:27    
8.     The Night Is My Domain     07:50    

Band link:

Label link:

söndag 3 januari 2016

Reffus - Eternal Misanthrope

Here is a new entity from England called Suffer....i mean Reffus (members from bands like Nahemia, Mørktår, Sykelig Englen) and they have here concocted an brew of traditional depressive black metal, nothing new here but it was surprisingly comfy to listen to... perhaps not what its supposed to be but i felt quite relaxed having it flowing through my head as i work on some cover artworks (last spin i was working on Idolatrys coming full length). Maybe there is something wrong with me (of course it is...) but if you are new to this DSBM genre this could get you down if that you where looking for.

That said i still think it validates as a negative art form as it incorporates much of the details this style has in its  open wounds and also they do it without irritate (as many of DSBM bands do with to childish silly cries and sulks and just terrible bad song writings) and bore you... yeah they have manage to compose some adequate dark songs with more of a mental (i point at you vocalist hehe) raw introverted aggro vibe rather then depressive and that (for me) can be signs of something that can bloom out to something special...the bleak future will tell.

Production is a mix of clean and raw and the actual music is a mix of semi slow and some faster bits, feels like a rugged mind thats being dragged down into the dark then pushed out then in again.

As of now this is only a digital self release but i hope some snatches it up and releases it on tape. (dont know why i am always wanting this type of music to be on tape but thats how i feel)

Track list:
1.     Death Sentence     07:54    
2.     Born Dead     02:15    
3.     Eternal Misanthrope     06:51    
4.     Thorns of Insignificancy     05:34    

Band link:

Mardraum Interview!

Let´s start first with the "inactive" status of the band you stated.
What can you tell about how this came to be and/or is this "inactive" state
something temporary or is the band completely put to bed?

- Necropriest and Bloodoak here.
We decided to end Mardraum at the beginning of 2015.
However, a new black art has spawned under the name Goatblood,
with three of the Mardraum members.

2.With that out of the way i feel it could be in place to reminiscent
somewhat and look at the hordes past activism.
As i understand it all started around 2011, was it the four of you
from the get go or did it take sometime to find all the members?
And how was the first demo recording?

- Mardraum was conjured through mutual friends late 2011.
It has always been the same members through the entire discography.
When it came to recording the first demo back in early 2012,
it was more or less a rehearsal recorded on an analogue tape.

3.Then in 2013 the first full length "Introitum Inferni" was made & released,
was it only a self release this? What can you say about this album,
did it become as you wanted? And can you shed some light on the content
of the songs Dargothoth & Esoteric Henosis?

- The production and concept was what we wanted at the time.
However, an unnecessary amount of copies were made for this release.
Reflecting back on the album, we can hardly compare this release to the most recent
and last release from Mardraum ‘Southern Darkness’. Lyrically, Dargothoth was
written by Abysmios; it delves into mythology and folklore. Esoteric Henosis was
lyrically written by Bloodoak, read the lyrics…

4.Then after some demo/rehearsals (but still the same year) the first split surfaced
 with the band Entity, how did you come in contact?
What can you say about Your contributions on the alternative version of the
"Besieging Christendom" song and the new one called "Worship and Devotion"?

- We were contacted by a member of Entity for a split.
The Mardraum side was recorded on 4 analogue tracks.
We have nothing else to add to this…

5.In 2014 the second full length "Abhorrent Visions of Misery" got out on the
Australibus Tenebris label. Is that a label some of you run?
Compared to the first album how would you say this has that the other has not and vice versa?

- Australibus Tenebris is run by Bloodoak and Necropriest.
It originally started as a platform for us to release our bands/projects on.
It has now stemmed to releasing not only our music, but that of us close friends and contacts.
Compared to ‘Introitum Inferni’, this was recorded on complete analogue format and the songs
have invoked into more of a developed sound.

6.How would you say your personal journey looked like or
changed during/through being apart Mardraum?

- We have gained numerous and honorable contacts through playing live Mardraum shows,
as well as running Australibus Tenebris.
However, we have experienced a lot of Jew-like behavior in the so-called
“Melbourne Black Metal” scene, even though we do not consider there being a scene
or that Mardraum was ever a part of, due to the cancerous amount of PC faggots
and circle-jerking posers that infest it.

7.Second split with Nefaria got out in the summer of 2014 and also a live album.
Talking about playing live i have seen photos and so from some of your gigs, you
seem pretty active playing. Would you say playing live is a bit cathartic & what gig do
 you feel went the best and the worst?

- Our favourite gigs have always been private gigs (Raping the Nazarene), as well as the
annual Recrucifying the Bastard in Van Diemen’s Land – we are honored to be a part of,
not only with Mardraum, but we have made an appearance with Goatblood and Rattenkönig.
Our last Mardraum show in Melbourne was pretty chaotic, not going into too much detail,
but it involved bass smashing, head splitting, fallback bashing and upsetting some PC cry-babies.

8.The third (and last?) full album "Southern Darkness" came out this year,
only two of you on the cover... but was it made with full line-up?

- Southern Darkness was recorded in Van Diemen’s Land by our good friend Vrag Moj.
This is our proudest work from Mardraum and we are honoured to have this album released
on CD through Totenkopf Propaganda Productions and on pro-tape by Hammerbund.
Buy or die!

9.How is it to grow up in Melbourne, Victoria in general and when your into
 black metal and the occult?

- None of us grew up in the inner suburbs of Melbourne. In fact, Necropriest, Bloodoak and
of recently Lortiis Nazghoul are living together in a small forest town about an hour’s drive
from the Melbourne city.

10.Thanks For this investigation! Last word is yours.

- Now Goatblood has risen from the ashes of Mardraum,
Goatblood is the sound we have always wanted to achieve!
Cheers for the interview.

Goatblood logo