onsdag 1 november 2017

Abominablood - P Z Z U

Abominablood from Argentina unleashes their latest hell-wind to the glory of demon Pazuzu! (yes the one also thats in the Exorcist movie)

(tape that i got is red not grey)

Actually this is probably my first encounter with this one man band but after enjoying this 5-track EP (i guess its an EP?) i will also hunt down the full album "The Rotten Smell of the Entities that Murmur" thats also got released this year.

One of the main things i take away from experience this music is its thick smelly occult smog that encapsulates you totally! It has a great wall of noise but with enough of bells and whistles that shine through it to make the greater impact. I get a feeling like it could be Hellvetrons bastard brother hehe somehow .... i get similar vibrations from both at least.

besides the pummeling black hate spells there is some organic and very effective interludes and i feel they rounds up this demonic celebration into a neat package.

For me this was an interesting new find even if there is many more or less similar blackened death occult metal that has popped up these recent years i feel Abominablood delivers the necessary evil goods to stay put in once Psyche.

Nice t-shirt to the release also it seems.

Released by Worship tapes
label link:

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